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[Datenschleuder] [55]    Ausland
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More about the bust about the Argentinian hacker, Ardita Ok, to clarify a bit whats going on with this 'Argentinian that broke into this and that' Julio Ardita, known as 'El Griton'(The Screamer) has been around for about 4-5 years now, back then his main motivation was to get on QSD ( A french X.25 chat system) and trade PADS and codes and that kind of shit, as well as chat with the people in there. At that moment I can positively say he was completly clueless.

Some time after that he formed, a haq group (or warez, didnt really know) called "White Lands" pretty much clueless too. He ran a board called 'Scream' which is English for 'grito', he put out some t-files, cut and pasted text from online manuals of ARPAC ( the Argentinian x.25 net, now called STARNET)

I never talked to the guy voice, at the time i met him (4 years ago at a friends party) he couldnt tell a computer from a microwave oven, yet he considered himself a haqr, anyway, thats the only time i saw him personally. We all started as clueless as it could be and eventually learned lots of stuff...

What he did: He had been using an account at husc8.harvard.edu for quite a long time, many others shared that account, dunno if it was posted on some BBS, passed over or what. From there all sort of shit was done by lots of haqr types. He and the others blueboxed that way to harvard's dialups, eventually BB in ar cameto an end ond the vast majority of bboxers quit doing it.

He obtained accounts on a coupple of local systems, where he logged to dialing in from his home, one of this systems is an university located in another city (Id call).

Then, someone posted the 0-800 (== 1-800) dialup to Telecom's (one of the 2 telcos in Argentina) PSDN, an x.25 net called Telconet on several BBSes. Telconet uses the good 'ole Telenets soft, yes, yes with 'pad-to-pad capabilities', it links a net of mostly AIX RS/6000 boxes, running TCP/IP over x.25 and over 2.048Mbs in certain areas, access to these boxes from the dialup is pre-validated by TAMS ... for MOST OF THE NUAS BUT NOT ALL OF THEM, he broke into a rs6k box that did not required TAMS validation, he used a passwordless account...

From there he tried to break into (or actually did) several internet hosts, as this particular AIX box on Telconet had inet connectivity, he telneted to his other had accounts in .ar and other countries, he tried to break in to <sumhost>.navy.mil, i dunno if he acomplished this, but obviously someone at the mil site noticed and sent mail to root at the telco host or noc/nic, mail went back and forth, to cert, to all the other places he connected to, etc.

Telco personel didnt have to do much to get the guys phone number, since he was calling from his home to a 0-800 owned by the telco and ANIed up its ass and all over the rest too.

Dec 30, 1995, El Griton got busted, his computer seized, all the usual stuff, Telecom also had recordings of his voice calls, the FBI was also involved in this (due to the mil part i suspect). This was the front page of the newspapers for 2 days... yeah, this part as usual too, incredible bullshit mixedwith hidden lobby for passing certain laws and a bit of gasoline to the fire of the quiet fight between the telcos and the multimedia emporium, cable-tc + open-air-tv+news papers corporations.[This all, is of course my personal view of the facts]

So from then on things dissapeared from the media, nothing else was know until today...

Stuff found on his accounts: irc executable coupple of 81gm's exploits ISS output etc. PS: CERTs reference number for this incident is CERT#11802

Opii (of HBO)


  [Chaos CD]
[Datenschleuder] [55]    Ausland
[Gescannte Version] [ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]